Opportunity to join Open Data Product Initiative — define the standard data product

Data Product Business
2 min readOct 13, 2022


The Open Data Product Initiative is the umbrella under which specification is developed transparently: standard is available for all without payments, any organization can join, budgeting is open, and anyone is able to join the discussion and development. By working together and openly, we can increase interoperability, growth, and data reuse with help of shared specifications.

International standards are a vital tool in ensuring products and services are interchangeable and compatible across borders, removing barriers to trade, reducing production and supply chain costs and building confidence in business services, and protecting consumers. This is why we develop Open Data Product Specification.

About Open Data Product Specification

The Open Data Product Specification is a vendor-neutral, open-source machine-readable data product metadata model. It defines the objects and attributes as well as the structure of digital data products. The work is based on existing standards (schema.org), best practices and emerging concepts like Data Mesh. The reasoning is that we reuse and proudly copy instead of reinventing the wheel.

The first version — 1.0 — was published in Feb 2022. Now we are working in the next version — 1.1. — for which you are free to make feature suggestions, submit bug fixes and make pull requests for improvement.

Accepting first members in November and December 2022

The first batch of companies is joining the Open Data Product Initiative in the Strategy Group meeting on 8th November 2022. We already have multiple companies but those will be revealed a bit later. All new members are accepted by the Strategy Group, which holds meetings once a month. The second chance to join this great initiative is in December. If your organization joins the Initiative in either of the batches, you are waived the standard annual fees for 2022 and 2023.

Influence the future of the data economy

Organizations joining this year are our founding members. That is a privilege! Joining organizations will get their seats in two permanent groups Strategy Group and Technical Steering Committee for 2022 and 2023. These two groups are the core of the Initiative. The Strategy Group is at the highest level of decision-making and responsible for

  • Defines Initiative Strategy and goals
  • Financials
  • Acceptance and budgets of temporary groups
  • Membership models and fees
  • Accepts new members
  • To be the final resolution provider for issues raised by other groups.

In addition to those, we will have sub-groups that operate for fixed timeframes and purposes.

Let’s agree on an online meeting to discuss more and settle the plan for your organization



Data Product Business

We help you to capture real value from your data by practical methods, tools and world-class knowledge